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Thursday, Aug 24, 2006 - 00:37 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

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Search For 3 Day Week

changelog v1.02
* Glolgle search engine implemented (top right corner of the page). Considered slurping off an established one, but figured I might as well write this from scratch too. Thought of delving into vector space search, but didn't want to tinker with trying to install C extensions on my hosted server. So what you have now is a simple case-insensitive default-OR regex comparism widget, which does recognize words in parentheses as a single term. A lot of further optimization possible since there's no index, as I decided to trade speed for storage. Poor me.

* Option not to show loading screen added at Display Preferences, the (first) black box above the red one, which in turn is above the orange one, and so on.

* Scrollbar cosmetically changed to fit more into theme. Must have slipped my mind at v1.00.

* Easter Egg beta (as promised) of new feature which should see more development! You could codedive to locate it, but that's cheating, and it's really not hard to find.

* Minor ampersand bug with RSS feed fixed.

Didn't earn anything for charity on Tuesday's big paper-crane folding event, but didn't skip a lecture either so even on karma there. Should have made a few from origami books when I was in primary school. Of course, no idea at all now.

Pondered over the discovering of a counterfeit coin (heavier or lighter) from 11 other coins with only three weighings of a simple balance scale. Managed a nice symmetrical attempt which would narrow the suspects down to two coins, and even that one of them, if fake, would be heavier, or the other would be lighter - but got no further.

tpk said we encountered that in TCHS, but I don't recall that. One solution given here, if anyone's interested.

He also observed that the other students were flipping their printed notes every four or six slides, from which we inferred that they have yet to discover the joys of FinePrint (2.8 MB), a truly fine utility that allows one to pack eight Powerpoint slides on a single side, with each slide still larger than its counterpart printed in the default 6-a-sheet format! Save the trees, use FinePrint!

Ever agonized over saving YouTube videos to disk for instant playback or offline consumption? With Mozilla Firefox and the instructions here, that's easily done. To top it off, the SUPER © Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer is freeware, and it converted FLV to MPEG-II like a charm.

Incredibly, someone had uploaded a rip of the Rhythm Divine MTV video just last week. I caught a portion of it while channel surfing some years back when that song was firmly top of my list, and thought I would never know how it ended.

Dunno why they don't just allow easy downloads like Google Video. Perhaps this is part of the reason why Google is taking over the world while still not being evil.

To top it all off, I have confirmed my three day study week! Mondays and Wednesdays are stay-at-home, all semester. That'll help me tremendously, on the morale side to begin with.

It almost didn't happen, as I failed to get a Thursday CS2105 tutorial in the ballot. I put in a swap request against all hope, and was mentally prepared to be thick-skinned and just crash unofficially (not that I will be the first or last to do that), when Gmail Notifier informed me that a saviour had exchanged his 9am Thursday slot with the 3pm Monday one I was holding onto as trade bait.

Fully understand the motivation behind getting an afternoon tutorial for an early morning one, but why didn't he or she just bid for one of those in the first place? From what I know, all the Monday classes were still available in the second round of balloting. I'll work that one out sometime, but now I'll just break out the soya bean and celebrate.

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