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Sunday, Feb 26, 2006 - 23:12 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

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Coding By Google

I wonder how much more time I would have blown on my labs had web search engines not been available.

CS2106 Operating Systems turned out to be CS2106 Practical C, and for someone who has never before touched it (my CS1102 was in Java, and JC, erm, C++?), all the directly mucking about in memory would prove hazardous to health.

Let it not be said that the course is without its own geek humour. One of the first exhibitions of such was the command

cat "food in cans"

which returns, in UNIX (and its variants):

cat: cannot open food in cans

There's more!

[ Where is my brain?


[: missing `]'

Funny! In a lame sort of way, that is.

Back to the lab assignments, the second one involved implementing a list structure to store a collection of words (strings) for later sorting. I go "linked lists C" in Google, and ta-da! Stanford is there to help!

Well, they showed how to create a linked list that inserted new items at the head, not at the tail, which I didn't like, so it took a bit more editing, but the skeletal example was seriously useful. Indeed, any software company worth its salt probably has some inhouse archive of such libraries, which makes me ponder just how much extra work it has to accomplish after developing a certain solution - which can be sold to more than one client.

Wait... isn't that what Windows XP is anyway?

Bonus Advertisement: Use Firefox! (Actually, sucker for convenience that I am, I still use IE)

Wallpaper from Firefoxy

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9 trackbacks

Linkback by Coding By Google - ÜberConf

...term "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud! div class="item twitter-wra...

April 6, 2013 - 09:25 SGT     

Linkback by Android Development Tools

...rm "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud!div class='post-footer-line post-footer-lin...

April 6, 2013 - 19:05 SGT     

Linkback by Coding By Google - No Fluff Just Stuff

...term "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud! div class="item twitter-wra...

April 8, 2013 - 01:36 SGT     

Linkback by Coding By Google - No Fluff Just Stuff

...term "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud! div class="item twitter-wra...

April 8, 2013 - 20:51 SGT     

Linkback by Coding By Google - No Fluff Just Stuff

...term "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud! div class="item twitter-wra...

April 12, 2013 - 05:27 SGT     

Linkback by Coding By Google - No Fluff Just Stuff

...term "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud! div class="item twitter-wra...

May 4, 2013 - 01:30 SGT     

Linkback by Android Development Tools

...rm "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud!div class='post-footer-line post-footer-lin...

September 15, 2014 - 14:30 SGT     

Linkback by Android Development Tools: Productivity

...rm "Coding By Google" seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here's the earliest reference I could find.    bert's blog - from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud!div class='post-footer-line post-footer-lin...

February 18, 2015 - 22:29 SGT     

Linkback by Search results for "source"

...ding By Google&8221; seems appropriate and even though I thought that I coined the term, turns out that this too is not new.  Here&8217;s the earliest reference I could find.    bert&8217;s blog &8211; from 2006So go forth, code by Google, and be proud! footer class="home entry-met...

June 29, 2015 - 13:50 SGT     

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