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Thursday, Nov 06, 2008 - 03:42 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

- -
Sucks To Be Me

#1 Quote of Avenue Q (Spoiler)
- Kate Monster, on getting the wedding bouquet

#2 Quote of Avenue Q (Spoiler)
- Bad Idea Bears, on beer logic

Avenue Q

Caught the Singapore run of the musical at the Esplanade Theatre (Circle 2, HH-22) on Tuesday night with fake chong, occ & joseph, and thus will never look at Sesame Street the same way again after a dose of "full frontal puppet nudity".

I again heard another familiar-sounding song that no-one knew the title too before the show began. Argh. At least I recalled one of my life's ambitions, to beat up a Teletubby, on the trip there.

Once again, I didn't manage to find the names of the cast members on the official site, though it seems that most of them are from the Philippines. Maybe the details were in the programme, but since I already owed fifty-five bucks to occ for the ticket, more purchases were not on my mind.

Okay, on to the show proper. General spoilers coming on, but you wouldn't care, would you? The opening numbers, "What Do You Do with a BA in English" (Youtube clip) [or Computer Science/Economics for that matter] and "It Sucks to be Me" (Youtube clip) fairly resonated with me (btw I don't want to talk about my FYP). Tidbit: The real Gary Coleman (if you know him, your American pop culture-fu is strong) supposedly wanted to sue the producers for the inclusion of his character.

Gay issues surfaced between the puppets Rod (i.e. Bert from Sesame Street) and Nicky (i.e. Ernie) in "If You Were Gay" (Youtube video, Harry Potter version). "Purpose" (Youtube video) ["that little thing that lights a fire under your ass"] was okay, nothing too special relatively. "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" (Youtube video), it's true (but a milestone was passed today on that, on which more later). So just be careful where and to who you tell your must-listen ethnic jokes to.

Then probably the most famous song of the lot: "The Internet Is For Porn" (Youtube clip, Harry Potter version again) [indeed. it seems safe to say that at least close to half the bandwidth of the whole Internet is devoted to, what else, happy people]

"Normal people don't sit at home and look at porn on the Internet!"
- Kate Monster, Delusion of the Year Award Winner, probably right up there with Quote #1 and #2

Next up - "I'm Not Wearing Underwear Today", "Special", "You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want [When You're Making Love]", "Fantasies Come True", "There's a Fine, Fine Line" and How-to-search-Youtube-for-video-clips-by-yourself.

Twenty minute intermission, then Act Two. After we have "There is Life Outside Your Apartment" and "The More You Ruv Someone", there comes Schadenfreude (Youtube clip - Wikipedia definition) ["When I see how sad you are... it makes me sort of... happyyyyy" - "Happiness at the misfortune of others... that's German!"]

Despite what happens in the show, it's probably impossible to get badly hurt by a penny dropped from a high place. Just saying.

"I Wish I Could Go Back to College" (Youtube clip) [the idea is not to leave in the first place - oh and "to f**k my TA" must have brought back memories for someone :P]

Next: "The Money Song" and "School for Monsters" (go look them up yourself). Despite Trekkie Monster's suddenly revealed riches ["In volatile market, only stable investment is porn!"], it turns out that porn probably isn't recession-proof any longer.

Two songs repeat, then it all closes with "For Now" (Youtube clip). ["George Bush - is only for now!" (more later)] Yup, things are only for now!

In a way it does suck a little to be me, but surely there are people far worse off, though that doesn't (and shouldn't) completely negate that sucky feeling. A little more hope, a little change needed?

RMBR (no, not remember)

Always wondered what the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (at S6) was all about, but never found an excuse to drop by until demanded to by my LSM1301 module. I have to say it's the place to go if you have a thing for dead animals.

Here's a slice of the tree that possibly gave Changi its name, cut down without approval (preservation process):

There was a landmark Changi Tree before WW2 - supposedly over 20 stories tall, imagine that!

Yep, if staring at dead stuff is your kind of thing, you'll have a wonderful time. Joking aside, the colours on the specimens were quite brilliant, impressive given that some of the specimens date from the 19th century.

This is a lousy photo of a cute reminder not to touch the specimens. Nice, but I would have missed both it and the "No Flash Photography" sign had I been slightly less attentive.

The exhibition closed off with a bunch of dead rats, and due to the influence of my hamsters I managed to find some of the smaller ones rather cute. In fact rats are supposedly friendlier to young kids than hamsters (no biting).

While we're on the subject of animals, here's one of the School of Computing Cats that I took a photo of some time ago:

Obama Wins

The landmark that was often predicted has actually been reached - America has its first (partly) black president. Good day all around for people of pigment as Hamilton picked up the F1 title (and Massa must be cursing his pit team's mess-up in Singapore). The Onion got it spot on again as they declared that the USA "was finally shitty enough to make social progress" (remember how prescient "Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'" [2001] was?)

Still, behind all the Hope and Change and GOBAMA chants, a few interesting things to note:

  1. Despite Obama appearing to win by a landslide (and thus have a solid mandate) with about 349 electoral votes to McCain's 163 (a 68%-32% split), in the popular (actual individual-for-individual) vote his margin was only 53%-47% (the ridiculousness of "normal" democratic implementations being discussed here before).

    If you subtract:
    • Bush and his administration (probably worth ten points by themselves)
    • The financial meltdown
    • The ongoing issue of Iraq
    • Palin

    from the equation, it becomes apparent that McCain was running under one heck of a handicap. Some of these problems were self-inflicted or a necessary consequence of the Republican ideology, but if say the subprime bubble hadn't imploded right on schedule in the run-up to the election, and he hadn't scared off undecideds with the possibility of a frighteningly underqualified Vice-President, he might actually have been in with a good shout.

  2. It was the young people (duh) and women (ah) who won it for Obama:
  3. (Source: CNN)

  4. How much change can Obama actually deliver? Remember '92, Gulf War, recession, "Change vs. more of the same" slogan, fresh-faced Democratic challenger? Yeah, that was Clinton, who was not too bad no doubt, but one gets the sense that nothing really changed.

Still, interesting times ahead, and whatever happens Obama couldn't possibly be worse than Bush. Right?

So will a great nation be United again? Stay tuned.

(Source: goalsforamericans.org)

New FIFA Rule

(Older examples)

The Laws of the Game aren't rewritten often, but it seems a new rule has been added:

"A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force..."

"...being jumped at by an opponent."

True, everyone's a bit of a hypocrite, but when someone who rails against diving in his autobiography and in the press does his best dying swan impression, I guess he can take some stick for it.

And if you have some time to spare, check out what it was like in 1783 courtesy of The Onion.

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anonymous said...

just so you know, when I click on the links to get the [hax]1 and [hax]2 quotes, a dialog box opens to get the quotes right? Clicking OK closes the dialog boxes but also open a new empty browser window

i using firefox 3[dot]0[dot]3 and eh wtf u dun allow full-stops in your comments! fuck u! and [hax] signs either! wtf! bastard!

November 6, 2008 - 18:06 SGT     

c.wenhoo said...

sorry, that was me.

November 6, 2008 - 18:06 SGT     

gilbert said...

sorry no refunds.

got time den look into the issue. btw full stops should be allowed what.

November 6, 2008 - 18:13 SGT     

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