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Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 - 01:37 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

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Slightly more than one month to my FYP submission (uh oh), but surely no call for what happened at NTU today...

Student jumps to his death after stabbing lecturer at Nanyang Technological University [MSN] [The Online Citizen]

Well, with an FYP about "Multiview acquisition from Multi-camera configuration for person adaptive 3D Display", I suppose I would be stressed too; it sounds like the Hawk-Eye system used in tennis to judge line calls, only more complicated (!)

Come to think of it, what's the worst that could happen? Failing the module, which would certainly be a kick in the teeth for one's CAP/GPA (probably enough to drop a honours classification) and maybe even an extra year redoing it. Sounds bad enough, but certainly not stab-advisor-and-jump bad, right? Unless of course a bunch of other unfortunate incidents converged on the poor student at the same time and became too much to take, but I guess we'll never know.

A-plus, B-minus... it was really such a small thing after all. Maybe the greatest pain is from not living up to expectations, especially in kiasu "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow" Singapore? My grad trip to Europe should hopefully help me shed some light on this.

So I was really quite fortunate after all... neither my UROP nor my FYP were true collaborations with my profs (i.e. they weren't on the profs' primary research areas, and no joint publication was expected), so the stress was never that high - it was just my own grades I was playing with.

Now, I may not be really sure what to present for my FYP, but be it an A+ (superbly unlikely) or B- (at least, hopefully), I'll simply go from barely missing a First to comfortably within my Second Upper, and in any case I've gotten into grad school, which was somewhat the whole point of getting the grades in the first place, and if I do make it through nobody will care about the bachelors' classification anyway.

Well, not that many would really care in the first place.

I have to say that my CS profs are as a rule awfully nice - and very wired - people. After I shot off a thank-you email to the three profs I approached for (and got) letters of reference from on Sunday night, within minutes two of them had replied, and the third replied in the early morning of the very next day.

Ah, it shouldn't have taken a death to remind me of all this though. RIP.

On to more uplifting things:

Hawaiian & Teriyaki (Inset: Hams with their biscuit-pizza)

Ordered pizza together with my cousin for the Carling Cup final, which United duly won on penalties. Feels shiok to gorge myself once in a while. The hamsters also got some of Alvin's tapioca chips as a prize :P And have I mentioned the simple joy of the humble self-cooked plate of instant noodles (44 cents per pack)? Easily satisfied when food is concerned, I am.

Did three of the four questions for my second NLP assignment, and all I have left (other than the FYP) for the next few weeks is one Development Economics essay and a few Environmental Economics tutorials. It's on!

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fan of csq said...

i wonder if SoC will refuse to admit u if you get an B- and they saw this posting, (csq)

March 4, 2009 - 16:20 SGT     

microwave of gilbert said...


but given that even mechanical ventilation devices have such advanced A.I. that they can log on to the Internet and post comments, I suppose at most I will tell my alarm clock to do my FYP for me lor.

March 4, 2009 - 17:13 SGT     

fan of csq said...


March 4, 2009 - 19:20 SGT     

C.Wenhoo said...

u psw is it i noe u one ah

March 4, 2009 - 19:56 SGT     

fan of fake bert grandma said...


March 5, 2009 - 00:51 SGT     

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