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Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 - 19:30 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

Si Liao Lah

No idea why I'm still not that up to doing my FYP. Perhaps I must wait until I'm hauled over the coals to get an adrenaline rush? Or perhaps I have a hidden confidence I can emulate smk's famous "A in 3 days" (makes a good slogan)?

Oh well, I'm right on it now, after I implemented the latest Facebook mememe by edchong:

So what does it say about myself?

1. Gilbert needs change
Yes I do, in regard to my FYP habits. Where's Obama when you need him?

2. Gilbert needs to fulfill its duty to the county islands as now spelled out in state
Oh, I'm not on any bonded scholarship. Lala. Eh wait, I still got NS obligations hor.

3. Gilbert needs strength
Who doesn't? Especially on those pesky saving throws.

4. Gilbert needs a dean
To approve my grad school application, yes.

5. Gilbert needs to work to expand bus service within the town
I wouldn't mind, getting on a bus from NUS at 6 p.m. is a killer...

6. Gilbert needs is not a career politician
Few really need a career politician.

7. Gilbert needs someone who can foster cooperation
Godgle probably got this wrong.

8. Gilbert needs right now
"to do his FYP". Yes, yes I get the idea.

9. Gilbert needs an outside voice experienced in
...how to smoke FYP evaluators? Wow!

10. Gilbert needs someone who can tell our story and focus on the positive
During the FYP presentation in a couple of months, yah.

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Next: Need Number Four Fulfiled

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anonymous said...

eh you try

February 25, 2009 - 15:57 SGT     

anonymous said...

u try chee bye as the input text

February 25, 2009 - 15:58 SGT     

gilbert said...

the more astounding thing is that the advice can be traced to a Manchester United forum...

February 25, 2009 - 16:00 SGT     

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