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Wednesday, Aug 15, 2012 - 00:17 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

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Mobile Ready

changelog v1.16
* bert's blog mobile beta released at http://blog-m.glys.com, with automatic detection and redirection from smartphones! It won't make much sense when not viewed on a mobile device...

It's been over a year since the last platform update, but that doesn't mean I've given up on improving glolg, not at all. While the full overhaul is scheduled for after I finally graduate, I couldn't resist starting off the adaptation process with a mobile version of the blog:

Easy reading for my mobile visitors

Before this, it was a right pain attempting to read this blog from a smartphone, given that it was designed for far larger screen resolutions. Oh, it could be done with a lot of pinching to zoom in to the requisite scale, but that and a lot of extraneous detail (and resulting bandwidth hogging) understandably can make users wonder at the point of it all.

But now, with the spanking new mobile version, only the meat is displayed, with a no-frills design taking into consideration how valuable real estate is at 320x480, and a font size suited for comfortable prolonged viewing. As seen in the right half of the above image, nearly all the screen is made available for the content when in the process of reading.

Tapping the header or scrolling to the top will cause an all-in-one navigation menu to expand, which allows the user to either search the contents, or filter posts by date by tapping the desired year or month. All link elements are placed with tappable size considerations in mind. Not all elements have been integrated - comments and tags being two of the more obvious omissions - but the mobile site is currently perfectly serviceable, or as much as a mobile site can be, anyway.

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