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Saturday, Oct 01, 2022 - 22:47 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

The Right Rises In Rome

The fire of traditional values rises once more!
[N.B. Is this a trend in those parts?]
[N.N.B. While we're on manga, here's some France vs. Russia]
(Source: archive.4plebs.org)

In these dark days, it is imperative to take consolation wherever one can find it, and we are pleased to report an unmitigated victory for feminism, with Giorgia Meloni ascending to become Italy's first woman prime minister. A commitment to gender neutrality and equality was further evident in her leading of the Brothers of Italy party (then again, Fratelli can supposedly be rendered as "sibling" too, but "Siblings of Italy" doesn't roll off the tongue quite as smoothly), and we can only hope that the clear margin of votes achieved will allow some common-sense policies to be implemented in Italy for once.

Foremost amongst those might be a principled enforcement of immigration laws, against the tide of maleness attempting a silent invasion into what should be an Italian safe space. This comes concurrent with various GOP governors graciously extending an olive branch in an increasingly-polarized and volatile atmosphere in America; after being ceaselessly regaled with assertions along the lines that undocumented migrants pay taxes too while injecting vibrant diversity into local communities, a chastised DeSantis & company would finally feel guilty about hoarding all these benefits for themselves. As such, they arranged for some surprise gifts from the border states to Democrat-run ones, to spread the love about.

Well, that sure didn't work out as it was supposed to.

Barely had the first 50 (fifty) goodwill ambassadors touched down at Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts towards the cause of phonological variation, when the liberal sphere exploded first in confusion, and then self-righteous outrage. The initial warm welcome for appearances' sake wouldn't last the week, as the privileged progressives realized that this wasn't the usual publicity shoot, and the Hispanics could actually want to stay. Their own governor would promptly activate the National Guard to eject the future doctors and lawyers unwanted interlopers, which was pretty impressive given how late they tend to arrive at mostly-peaceful if slightly-fiery protests elsewhere.

As it stands, DeSantis etc. seem to be in some sort of legal kerfuffle or other despite their positive intentions, with liberal mouthpieces such as TIME hollering that this is another attack on the Constitution, we aren't border towns after all, and that we would so totally have helped if you had given advance notice (like, ten years or twenty, no hurry). Of course, the point that is being missed here by the Democrat politicos fuming that this is illegal and we aren't prepared, is that the very same applied to Florida, Texas, Arizona etc. too; and indeed, whatever line the FAKE NEWS takes, the underlying reality of the costs does seem recognized by the average Joe, thus the general support for undocumented migrants to be transferred to sanctuary cities - or to pick crops in Florida if it's the season for that, according to the House Speaker.

Turn 12, Action Round 2 (Team Red)

Strong independent women leaders
who don't need no (illegal immigrant) men!

(Original sources: twilightstrategy.com, theguardian.com,
wikipedia.org, foreignpolicy.com)

Well, the European Union patriarchy seems intent on keeping Meloni down, with Team Blue media accusing her of being "fascist-adjacent" and possibly also "globohomo-exclusionary radical feminist" or somesuch, with European Commission tyrant Ursula von der Leyen threatening action against the winners of a democratically-held election. That said, while Meloni has gotten off to a fine start in denouncing Soros and the World Economic Forum, most indications are that the new Italian government will toe the line on Ukraine, The Greatest Game and the Euro anyway (that last possibly against their own interests). This seems to have had the corporate media pull back a little - and if it comes down to that, Italy's Stability is merely 2, it can't be that difficult to Coup them back into line.

Team Red plays The Iron Lady for 3 Ops then, resolving the Event before Ops for once. The VP situation is back to neutral for both camps as the U.S. gains 1 VP, and Team Red gets another Influence into Argentina (now 1/3), gaining effective Control with their formal request to join BRICS+ now made, and a personal call for yet-closer China-Argie ties by Xi, of course including a possible bailout. All Team Red Influence is removed from the United Kingdom (now 6/0) with Truss duly ramping up the anti-China rhetoric, but one supposes that the U.K. is an issue that China and Argentina can surely agree on.

1 Ops: +1 Influence in Paraguay (1/2). The pressure - or opportunism - seems to be spreading in Latin America, with Paraguay now trying to shake Taiwan down for the small investment of a billion dollars, for continued recognition. While apparently hurriedly walked back, the U.S. might really call on their southern neighbours, before they get the rug pulled out from underneath them.

1 Ops: +1 Influence in Indonesia (1/2). The Indonesian Foreign Minister has pointedly stated that "ASEAN refuses to be a pawn in the new Cold War" at the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly last week, which might sound innocuous enough - but for it mirroring Beijing's metaphor and language, as previewed in August. This also comes as Indonesia approves a Chinese mRNA vaccine before China themselves; someone should inform them that the Pandemic Game has ended?

1 Ops: +1 Influence in Afghanistan (0/1). Russia aren't sitting on their butts either, and with Team Blue Influence having been cleared out from Kabul, the Ruskies have ridden into town with tokens for petrol, diesel, cooking gas and wheat. One figures the Taliban might be willing to let bygones be bygones here - and maybe even barter some of that US$7 billion of military surplus weapons that the previous occupiers had so kindly left behind.

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