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Sunday, Aug 27, 2023 - 22:49 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

Tooth And More

This had certainly been a longer break from blogging that I had envisaged, and a previous me (see: 2011, 2016) would very well have devoted many more words to the forthcoming Presidential Election, which has had three candidates accepted by an unelected committee. Frontrunner Tharman has continued borrowing from the American scene with not-very-relatable anecdotes (orh nee in this case, also keeping up with the tradition of foodie gaffes by our incumbents). Conversely, Tan Kin Lian's been on fire with his public service record, homely advice, aesthetic sensibilities and all-around commitment to shitposting, and this blog is therefore proud to endorse TKL as the ninth President of Singapore!

On the geopolitical front, those actually following the news on the recent U.S.-Japan-South Korea trilateral pact and the BRICS+ expansion (particularly the identities of the new members), might consider these developments alongside what had been explained here in March. Well, I believe I have not ever asked for (unsubstantiated) trust about my writings and thoughts; I ask only for a fair retrospective assessment. Of course, this is but scratching the surface of what has transpired since the last Twilight Struggle: New Moon update in mid-April, and from the outline, the story's progressing very well.

As for the post title, I have just had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted* on Wednesday, after they had increasingly been giving me trouble over the previous months. While the top two had grown out and were just waiting to be pulled, the bottom two were impacted, with the right one moreover lurking all too closely to a nerve, and I was informed that there was perhaps a 5% chance of some nerve damage. It was too late to regret not having the taxpayer handle this back in National Service, alas, and I signed up for the procedure to be done under general anesthesia, and indeed experienced a timeskip from having an oxygen mask fitted, to a mouthful of gauze. There was a brief moment of concern about half my bottom lip being swollen, then worry upon realizing it was numbness, but normal sensation returned soon enough. Compliments to the surgeon, and here's to porridge and ice-cream.

[*WIS was always a dump stat, anyway.]

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