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Sunday, July 07, 2024 - 23:34 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

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Our new Prime Minister has kickstarted his tenure with declarations that Singaporeans should be able to define their own success, and exhorted local youths to "focus on mega trends rather than try to predict the next big thing". On the latter, I confess to not being sure as to what was the difference between a "mega trend" and the "next big thing", but fortunately the article would provide something of an explanation - "next big thing" equals "next big growth industry" (implied to be something that's not currently big, but could be), while "mega trend" refers to something that will shape the world (for the foreseeable future; i.e. something that's already big, and should continue being big)

About this, one could almost sense the raw and unclosed wounds from our government's past non-successes at picking the next big thing, with IT and biotech being past focuses that have not quite paid off, leaving money laundering finance and lately fintech to prop up the economy. The first question would then be, is artificial intelligence indeed a "mega trend", or will it be another case of "next hyped big thing soon going bad" (and I say this as someone with a career in it), as the Internet was circa 2000? The second question - or more an observation - would be that in general, the largest gains come from being first to the party (i.e. correctly picking the next big thing), rather than (literally) being a trend-follower; but perhaps the gahment has realised that they don't have good foresight, in which case I applaud them recognizing their limitations.

But seriously, this is not a knock on the government, not at all - given that there may be very interesting times ahead, it's entirely rational to cut them some slack, as compared to when we were merrily cruising along in a unipolar world - which brings us to The Second Greatest Game on Earth:

The loved ones are out in force, as hinted last week
[N.B. There's a ready replacement able to drive in multiple ways anyway]
(Source: x.com)

Age gets the best of us, even someone as ground-breaking as the first black lady President of the United States, which has seen an outpouring of love from both private citizens and the corporate media, with the likes of The Atlantic, The Economist and the Washington Post all but begging Biden to withdraw and/or resign, after yet more incoherent interviews. The growing farce has raised some long-overdue soul-searching amongst observers, the most incisive of which was perhaps that either the FAKE NEWS mainstream media knew of POTUS's obvious mental decline and said nothing (or outright denied it), which kinda makes them corrupt liars; or that they genuinely didn't realise it, which means that they are entirely deluded. The original commentator reckons the second possibility the more likely, which unfortunately is a far more damning reflection on the state of American intellectual discourse.

Anyhow, the latest indication is that Biden is refusing to drop out against pressure from the Democratic party establishment, and in other, happier, circumstances, one might well applaud his gumption. However, with polls all but uniformly showing his support collapsing all over, with TRUMP now holding a near four percent advantage on average in the top battleground states - and this from polling that has consistently underestimated his support by about four percent in 2020 - one understands if Team Blue Democrats are panicking a little. I honestly don't think the usual censorship and gaslighting is going to salvage this one, and all that bellyaching about how democracy is done if TRUMP gets (re-)elected might just ring a bit hollow, when WaPo's own poll is reporting that voters are trusting TRUMP more than Biden on protecting democracy in the United States:

Well this is awkward
[N.B. Despite Biden's protestations, Harris has overtaken him in the betting stakes, and is now at 5/1 to Biden's 7/1 to win the election; TRUMP is at 8/13, implying a win probability of some 62%, likely an underestimate.]
(Source: washingtonpost.com)

While there's scant indication that he needs the help right now, the Team Red GOP Vice-Presidential selection has suddenly taken on additional significance, and I am proud to report that my early-2020 endorsement of Tulsi Gabbard has been vindicated several times over, with the ultra-cool former Democrat stating that she would be honoured to join GEOTUS on the Republican ticket, which however was frankly always the obvious route for her, after (not inaccurately) denouncing the Dems as "an elitist cabal of warmongers" two years ago. One can hardly imagine a better specimen of rational and dutiful American womanhood to become the first - or is that second? - female POTUS in due course!

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