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Thursday, Oct 31, 2024 - 01:19 SGT
Posted By: Gilbert

That Time Of The Month

Wound up purchasing several Labubus as offerings...

Whew, relationshipping's a lot more time-and-energy consuming than I had imagined, and I can easily understand how people can drop entirely off the radar, upon attachment. Furthermore, this has been a wholly new experience for me, so do forgive the extremely low frequency of blog posts, given everything else that has been happening these few months:

  • First significant other, hopefully conclusively concluding the search that began about March; possible analysis of the whole process to come
  • New (larger) house, and renovation process thereof (including fengshui consultations this time)
  • Holiday trip to Shanghai/Hong Kong
  • Plenty of assorted dates, almost all to places that I would not have otherwise ventured to, each of which could have warranted its own exposition in years past
  • And other happenings...

The coming week will be devoted to The Second Greatest Game on Earth, and let's just say that mainstream media narratives about the domestic economy doing well, might not be too convincing when one drives up to the local Maccies, and gets served by a former POTUS at the drive-thru window:

Dang, times must be *really* hard right now
(Source: independent.co.uk)

That said, given that GEOTUS is up by a full point in aggregate top battleground state polling, and by 0.4% in the national vote with about a week to go (compared to Biden being up by 7.9% and Hillary by 4.3% at the same point in 2020 and 2016 respectively), American salt reserves could well be fully replenished once the votes are fully counted. Eh, we will always have seaweed shaker fries to go, at the very least!

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